Getting to know Obsidian

Getting to know Obsidian

One of my favorite Scorpio crystals.
Scorpios tend to be fiery, passionate, and intense, Obsidian brings the gift of prophecy and Scorpio gives the crystal immense power. Its extremely versatile, many practitioners I know personally have said to be comfortable using it in many ways.

Workings for Black Obsidian specifically include, but not limited to:

Saturdays- Brings mental clarity, also helps manage stress and tension
Samhain- for repelling negativity
New Moon- for introspection and protection
Protection- for turning negative energy into positive
Stability' for protection and grounding
Grounding- for self control and detoxification

While Black Obsidian is the most popular and well known of the bunch, Obsidian has many colors and forms like Snowflake Obsidian, Apache Tears, Mahogany Obsidian, Rainbow and Fire Obsidians, Sheen Obsidian, and Pele's Hair.
I'll try to cover the basics of the other kinds to give you an idea. I've just recently researched these and was amazed at all the possibilities.
Again, the workings below for these crystals include but are not limited to:

Shadow work- for illuminating inner truth
Breakups- for dissolving negativity
Growth-dissolves shocks, fears and traumas, dissolving both physical and emotional pains

Apache Tears:
This crystal will provide a strong connection with lessons that are meant to be learnt on Earth. These crystals are strengthening, purifying and grounding.
Known for offering protection from all negative and parasitic energies.
They help us maintain a positive attitude by understanding the valuable lessons in life's ups and downs.
This makes this crystal PERFECT for grounding.

Health- to relieve pain and improve circulation
Mental Healing-for those suffering from depression or addiction
Passion/Love- to increase sexuality and sensuality, most notably the sense of touch
Mahogany Obsidian additionally protects against negative psychic energy from other people as well as psychic attacks from other entities.

Emotonal Healing- to navigate affairs of the heart with ease and optimism
Mental Healing- for thinking logically and clearly about problems, especially complex emotional issues
Rainbow Obsidian acts as a bridge between the dark and light places inside of us, making it a powerful crystal ally whenever we are ready to do important personal work.

Purification- for cleansing and purging negative energies from the aura and physical body
Protecton- to help to shield the wearer from negativity and psychic attack
Fire Obsidian is also said to bring good luck, abundance, and prosperity. It can also help with decision-making, goal setting, and achieving one’s dreams.

Pele's Hair:
I just recently heard of this one.
From my understanding it is named after Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes.
Makes sense considered its formed formed by gas during a volcanic eruption. I found her story on the following link:
I found it interesting to say the least! And while I couldn't find any magical properties aside from a magical story for it's name doesn't mean it can't be used for such.

Growth- for revealing the heart of a problem or situation in the present that is holding you back
Focus/Clarity-dissolves negativity and purifies the aura
While Sheen Obsidian reflects that which is needed in our life for healing, it does not provide the healing.
It does however, give insight into the paths of action available to bring it about.

Everything listed above is based off my own personal experiences, preferences, usage and are merely suggestions.
I came into this not knowing everything about crystals, nor do I pretend to know everything now. I'm learning new things everyday.
Every journey is different.
Never be discouraged to try your own ways with your own research.

If you have your own uses or knowledge on the crystal I welcome any and all feedback! You can submit on my contact form.
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