Getting to know how the Sun can effect your crystals

Getting to know how the Sun can effect your crystals

I love displaying my crystals as much as the next person, but not all crystals are safe out in the open.
Whether its's due to potential risk of fading or the risk of starting a fire, I want to be transparent on the risks.
Your safety is important to us. And we want you to be able to enjoy our products for a long time.

Sun charging comes with risks when you aren't aware of how the crystal will react and while I'm no expert I've done some research just for my own peace of mind.
I would also like to add that Sun charging isn't for everyone. There's no shame in deciding just to charge them under the full moon or any moon really, even if it’s cloudy.
I find some crystals perfect for Sun charging and the energy that comes along with that, but I also personally find the moon works for me for a majority of my collection.
Some of my babies I try to give a full 24hrs to soak both up if possible.
Here are some of the crystals/stones that should be kept for only a short time in the sun with partial shade, if at all, for a quick five-minute charge and why:

Amegreen - The color will fade, its made of Amethyst and Prasiolite or as some might call it, Green Amethyst.
Amethyst - A member of the Quartz family so color will fade in the Sun since the color comes from the iron in it.
Ametrine - The color will fade due to it being made of Amethyst and Citrine.
Apatite - The color will fade in the Sun.
Apophyllite - Can become brittle in the Sun, color can fade.
Aquamarine - Direct Sunlight will fade the blue to white if kept in it too long.
Auralite 23 - Primarily composed of Amethyst, so it can fade.
Aventurine - A member of the Quartz family, can fade in color.
Beryl - Can fade and get brittle.
Calcite - Can fade and get brittle.
Celestite - The blue will turn to white in the Sun, will also get brittle and possibly break!!
Chrysoprase - A member of the Quartz family, it’s a green Chalcedony, and it can fade or get brittle and crack.
Citrine - Since it’s a form of Quartz, it will fade to a clear color within 4 hours in the Sun.
Clear Quartz - Can only withstand about 2 hours in the Sun, can get brittle and crack or break.
Fluorite - No more than 15 minutes in the Sun. Gets very hot!!
Hiddenite - The color will fade.
Kunzite - Will fade to white.
Lapis- should not be placed in direct sunlight for longer periods of time as the sun can cause the color of the stone to fade.
Malachite- is a soft stone and its surface can be easily damaged. This copper carbonate combination is extremely sensitive to heat, as well as sun-bleaching.
Opal - Will lose its color.
Prasiolite - This is a variation of Green Amethyst so the color will fade.
Rose Quartz - Will fade in color.
Sapphire - Will lose whatever color Sapphire it is.
Spirit Quartz - Will fade in color and clusters could ignite if in the Sun too long!!!
Smoky Quartz - Loses its color to become grey or brown.
Super Seven - Will fade in color.
Topaz - The color will fade when kept in Sun for more than 8 hours. A yellow Topaz will turn brown, and a deeper color will turn maroon.
Turquoise - Color can fade, ALSO be careful with time in water.

** But be mindful of crystals with faceted points in clusters because they can also heat up and ignite a fire. **

And while most Genuine crystals themselves are very unlikely themselves to catch on fire, the clearer they are and the closer to the sun, they do have risk of setting other objects on fire.
But it's not all fire and fading. There are crystals that won't fade in the sun when charging for a few hours.
It is best to have partial shade when leaving your crystals in the sun.
Below are some of the crystals that are safe in the sun for a few hours of charging and won’t fade:

Agate- can be in the sun for SHORT periods of time. But I personally say, do not leave it for more than 3 hours, to keep the stone from breaking or fading. I've personally noticed that agate is heat sensitive. I've had a lot of mixed research on this one because some swear by Sun charging it.
Black Obsidian - The color won’t fade because of its dark color and it’s actually a glassy volcanic rock.
Black Onyx - direct sunlight can cause a risk of fading but generally inside the house or in the window for a few hours shouldn't harm it.
Carnelian - The orange stones are generally okay in the sun, this one paired with some sunlight is so powerful.
Howlite - No pigment color to fade so need to worry.
Jade- I sell natural bowls and cups that are perfect for not only charging themselves but creating Sun water. I've heard that jade with dyed or enhanced colors are however, at risk of fading after long periods of time in the Sun.
Labradorite- I have gotten blinded by a reflection of some flash but doesn't seem to overheat, I've heard it can dull over time, but I've never left mine out long enough to have that issue.
Moonstone - Usually charged under the moon, but when charged in the sun it can be balanced with masculine-feminine energy.
Morganite- While Heat exposure is not recommended, under light exposure its color is stable and won't fade.
Sunstone - Orange stones are generally okay in the sun.
Tourmaline- I personally haven't left this crystal to Sun charge but after some googling haven't seen anyone have problems with it unless it's exposed to HEAT.
Tiger's Eye- I've had it get a little warm but haven't had an issue with fading.

These are just examples based off my own research and research I've found from others, remember to always do your own to find what's right for you!

If you have your own uses or knowledge on the crystal, I welcome any and all feedback! You can submit on my contact form.

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