Getting to know Sodalite

Getting to know Sodalite

A Sagittarius crystal: it's known for being curious and energetic but also logical, understanding, empathetic and honest.

Due to its incredible hue from its deep blue color, this crystal is paired with the elements of water and air and the planet association is the Moon.

Sodalite can bring tons of positive feng shui into your home or office. In the practice of feng shui, it’s a water element stone. As a result, it’s perfect for bringing some emotional balance and refreshing flow to the room.

Sodalite can be a powerful ally for those with a Scorpio zodiac sign as well, or someone looking to align with Scorpio and/or Sagittarius energy.
It can help enhance your intuition and give you more confidence in your inner knowing, helping you to connect with your spiritual self.

Sodalite is associated with the third-eye chakra, which is all about intuition, imagination, thinking, maintaining calmness, and wisdom. While other stones may address emotional turmoil and chaotic energy, Sodalite focuses on the mental side of things. Its most vital asset is its ability to help you tune into your intuition and see things clearly for what they are.

One of my favorite crystal pairings is Sodalite and Amethyst together.
Amethyst helps remove blockages, rid negative energy, and put you in tune with your crown chakra (the place where you get ideas).
This duo is one of the most powerful gemstone combinations for opening yourself up to opportunities in my opinion since it can be used for enhancing creativity, work, performance, and/or communication.

Workings for Sodalite includes, but not limited to:

Communication- for seeking truth and logic.
Productivity- for logic, truth and inspiration.
Students/Learning-for memory and focus.
Dreaming/Sleep- I've been told to put Sodalite stone under your pillow or on your bedside table to encourage a good night's sleep.
With its ability to reduce anxiety, and stress, you can quickly drift into a deep peaceful slumber. So far, I've noticed the difference.

Everything listed above is based off my own personal experiences, preferences, usage and are merely suggestions.
I came into this not knowing everything about crystals, nor do I pretend to know everything now.
Every journey is different.
Never be discouraged to try your own ways with your own research.

If you have your own uses or knowledge on the crystal I welcome any and all feedback! You can submit on my contact form.

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